Laboratory analysis
A comprehensive laboratory analysis training session occurred from Wednesday to Thursday. Under the guidance of i-BEC’s Executive Director Maria Giortsou, i-BEC’s chemists, Dimitris Goutzikostas and Vasilis Rousonikolos led the training sessions. They provided in-depth training on soil sampling analysis to our partners from the University Goce Delchev Shtip (UGD), AgFutura Technologies, (AGFT), Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) and the Eratosthenes Center of Excellence (ECoE).
The training focused on methodologies for determining soil organic carbon and other key physicochemical properties. The laboratory training concluded with a detailed presentation highlighting the soil characteristics that are vital for carbon sequestration and certification processes.

Soil sampling and carbon footprint measurement
Following the successful laboratory training, the program continued on Friday. Daphne Kitsou, Georgia Kostaki, and Thodoris Akritidis, scientific partners from i-BEC, conducted an all-encompassing training session on soil sampling and carbon footprint measurement. They introduced our partners UGD, AGFT, and ECoE to the Carbonica Field Diagnostic Toolbox. Daphne Kitsou explained in detail the methodology, sampling protocols, and the technology behind the Toolbox.
During the training days, participants were trained on using the Carbonica Field Diagnostic Toolbox for field sampling and measurement. They also learned how the collected data are vital for further analysis in the lab, linking practical fieldwork directly with advanced laboratory processes.
This hands-on experience demonstrated how the Carbonica EU Toolbox supports the MRV (Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification) system, which is essential for carbon farming certification. By the end of the program, participants had gained valuable insights and practical skills, reinforcing their ability to contribute to carbon sequestration efforts through scientific practices.