Еве листа на иницијативи и други соработнички проекти со кои што CARBONICA работи:
BEATLES aspires to identify the individual, systemic and policy lock-ins and levers that influence entire food systems behavioural change and to develop transformation pathways of change to accelerate the systemic and systematic transition to climate-smart agriculture and smart farming technologies, fully aligned with the ambitions of the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies, and the new CAP at regional and EU levels.
SolarHub is a perfect blend of Quadruple Helix collaboration in practice to create an Excellence Hub. Through linking academia, businesses, governments, and civil societies, SolarHub a four-year project with 21 partners from funded under the Horizon Europe WIDERA Excellence Hub call. The SolarHub consortium came to effect in January 2023 aiming to interconnect and scale-up five solar energy innovation ecosystems located in Ankara, Thessaloniki, İzmir, Athens and İstanbul standing by a mantra of accelerating the Clean Energy Transition and the Green Deal initiative.
QuantiFarm enables the further deployment of digital agricultural technologies as key enablers for improving the sustainability performance and competitiveness of the agricultural sector. To this end, QuantiFarm introduces a comprehensive evaluation framework for independent qualitative and quantitative assessments of the multiple costs and benefits of digital agricultural technologies. QuantiFarm ensures the replicability and uptake of digital technologies by deploying innovative tools, services and recommendations and making them relevant and practical for farmers, advisors and policy makers across Europe.
FARCLIMATE is a four-year EU-funded project that will address the challenges of climate change adaptation with an interdisciplinary, multisectoral and multi-actor approach. The actions conducted in FARCLIMATE will help to understand the climate change factors that affect economic sectors at the local level, as well as the concerns and needs of involved stakeholders. The project will develop novel approaches for farming, fisheries and forestry (due to their likelihood of being potentially more impacted by climate change) by providing decision management plans, sustainable recommendations, and support to regions and communities to perform a transformative change by carrying out training and workshops for the identified stakeholders. Moreover, FARCLIMATE will generate and validate new nature-based solutions that are environmentally friendly and economically affordable, will develop an inspiring and empowering communication approach, and will take the first steps to create a European climate-resilience communities’ network.
COALition is a project that aims to create a joint strategy for sustainable energy among three selected territories in under-transition EU states (Western Macedonia – GR, Centru – RO, Southeastern – BG) that are also characterized as widening.
The project seeks to create regional excellence hubs that will co-define the regions’ joint priorities and action plan to facilitate their transitions, following a bottom-up, multi-stakeholder participatory approach.
The project also aims to establish permanent Regional Excellence Hubs in the three selected territories that are coal-dependent and also belong to countries that are characterized as less advanced in terms of R&I performance.