The Current Policy Landscape

The EU has committed to mitigate the carbon footprint from agriculture, as described in the EU Green Deal and its flagship strategies, the Farm to Fork and the Biodiversity strategies.

What is the current situation?

At the moment, carbon farming is a game-changing sector that encourages more and more initiatives to come forward. The EU admits that the land sector is key to move towards a climate-neutral economy, capturing CO2 on the field. In order to encourage agriculture to take immediate climate action and contribute to the European Green Deal, it is necessary to create direct incentives for the adoption of climate-friendly practices.

Currently, there is no targeted policy tool to significantly increase and protect carbon sinks. The project will contribute to policy-making by developing policy briefs and organising policy master classes. The goal is to take stakeholders’ knowledge a step further and maximise the economic and social benefits at hand, according to CAP principles.

The carbon farming ecosystems of Greece, Cyprus and North Macedonia have already started creating the Carbonica Excellence Hub network to exchange knowledge and ideas and further help carbon farming innovation be adopted by the quadruple helix within the place-based innovation ecosystems. This quadruple helix of stakeholders requires the synergy and collaboration between all stakeholder groups, with farmers and their association, as well as industry players providing feedback for policies developed, through live events, interviews and communicating directly with the project’s contacts.

To create meaningful policies, there is an urgent need to uncover target groups’ needs and current practices, facilitating the uptake of innovative ones. To participate in this ongoing discussion and actively partake in the creation of policy recommendations that promote climate smart agriculture, leaving risk-averse attitudes behind, contact Carbonica EU.

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