Regional, national and European investment will be leveraged as a result of the investment plan and research priorities of the joint R&I strategy and sustainability plan. The evidence-based funding recommendations set out by the preparatory actions of the joint pilot research project will target public and private funding organisations. The ecosystem mapping, needs analysis and regional emphasis of the EH will ensure national and regional strategies are well understood, and integrated in EH activities and policy recommendations.
CARBONICA EH joint R&I strategy will define research priorities per country, theme, area of focus, present clear objectives and joint research actions as well as guide future policies and funding initiatives. The CEH will create the conceptual design and conduct pre-planning for pilots and demonstrators following a Living Lab approach, to gather information and test solutions on different fields and crops at 5 experimental farms in each country. The future success and market potential will be ensured through a feasibility study. The solutions will include two lab prototypes: carbon farming solution (based on EO; in situ data; digital agriculture etc.) and carbon footprint (CF) protocols. A toolbox of carbon farming solutions will be translated into evidence-based upscaling recommendations that will ensure farmers gain access to new technologies to minimise CFA. White papers on policy recommendations will be produced to meet the smart specialisation strategies (S3) of the WC. Mitigation strategies in carbon farming will also be tested and validated and the results will be used to improve policies by engaging policy makers.