The Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy is the Governmental Body responsible for the development, monitoring and implementation of environmental and energy policies in Greece. It is also the competent authority for the provision of information concerning the state of the environment in compliance with relevant requirements defined by international conventions, protocols and agreements, as well as for the spatial and urban planning of the country.

The Ministry of Environment and Energy works to achieve the preservation and improvement of the quality of the environment, the protection of the natural environment and resources and the development in the energy sector in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. To achieve its mission, the Ministry, in its executive and coordinating role, designs and promotes a number of environmental policies, such as the national climate policy.

The Ministry’s Directorate of Climate Change and Air Quality is the national entity with the overall responsibility for the national GHG inventories and the respective national reports, as well as the GHG emissions’ mitigation policies.